
Why Experiences

The Four Key Areas of Employee Engagement [New Research]

We’ve reached an inflection point when it comes to the way we work. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to quickly adapt to a completely new world - one where we’re fully remote and operating under a lot of uncertainty.

While this situation will eventually pass, we believe this period will leave an indelible mark on all organizations. More companies will make the permanent transition to a remote workforce; employers will look for ways to diversify the way they communicate; and there will certainly be increased focus around making our workplaces more agile in order to face similar challenges in the future.

Despite all these predicted changes, what matters when it comes to employee metrics have not and will not change. Regardless of whether your workforce is remote or in a physical office space, warehouse, or factory, there are four key areas of employee engagement that all organizations must prioritize: 

  • Motivation: Am I motivated to perform at a higher level than expected of me?
  • Retention: Am I likely to stay?
  • Company culture: Is this a positive, healthy place to work? Do I feel connected to our mission, values and team?
  • Appreciation: Am I seen and valued for my contributions?

How Blueboard rewards drive employee engagement

After every Blueboard reward recipient completes their experience, they’re invited to take our Post-experience Engagement Survey. This survey not only provides feedback to our Concierge team to further shape our recipient experience, but also informs how Blueboard rewards drive employee engagement

Below are the most recent results of our Post-experience Engagement Survey, which summarizes the feedback received from thousands of rewarded employees since 2019:

Let’s dive into why each of these metrics matters to your organization and how Blueboard can strengthen these key areas. 

Improved employee motivation rates

96% of Blueboard recipients feel more motivated to perform.

There’s a direct link between motivation and productivity. A study by Gallup found that 85% of employees aren’t engaged or actively disengaged at work, which costs the global economy $7 trillion in lost productivity. This is a concerning statistic - especially now as employees experience low motivation levels while they adjust to being away from their teammates and familiar office environment, are drained by too many Zoom meetings, and are tasked with managing additional family responsibilities. 

That’s why boosting employee morale is more important than ever. Even a slight increase will lead to more company goals being met and more employees who feel more fulfilled in their roles. 

How Blueboard can help

Blueboard employee rewards are a great tool to scale motivation levels. Right now, your employees are probably daydreaming about the next time they can get outside and participate in their favorite hobbies again. This is a perfect time to reward them with an experiential gift that they can redeem for coveted activities like a massage, kayaking, or kitesurfing after Shelter In Place is lifted. Experiential rewards build anticipation for what lies ahead, which is an incredibly powerful motivator.

Or, if you want to give your employees a reward they can use today, you can gift them one of our In-home Experiences. After they take their virtual cooking lessons or pick up new guitar skills, they can share those experiences with the team (via online communications like Slack or Team, or in-person once we return to the office). This afterglow, which is that spark of joy that lights up when employees reflect on their experience, also drives motivation to earn more rewards in the future.

Increased employee retention rates

95% of Blueboard recipients agree that Blueboard is a great tool for retaining top talent.

Nobody wants to lose their top talent - especially now when keeping your team morale high is so critical. To understand how to better retain your top performers, it’s important to ask yourself: what is it that causes employees to leave in the first place? When it comes to managers and leaders, the number one complaint of employees is a lack of recognition. This signals that companies need to step up and make their top-performing employees feel seen and valued. Otherwise, you risk having them quit to go to an organization where they feel appreciated for their work.

How Blueboard can help

Blueboard’s experiential rewards are the perfect antidote to this problem. Since everyone’s working relationships are currently strained due to the abrupt transition to remote, it’s more important than ever for managers to have access to a tool that easily shares recognition. Blueboard’s streamlined employee recognition software makes the process of sending rewards seamless and fun, and it also creates more opportunities for managers to connect with their direct reports and demonstrate their gratitude during this time. 

A more positive company culture

96% of Blueboard recipients believe that Blueboard positively impacts company culture.

Your company culture is the root of who you are as an organization and can influence many important metrics - from whether a candidate decides to join your company to retention rates to employee happiness levels. In today’s environment, your culture is what will determine whether or not you come out on the other side of the pandemic stronger as a team. So how can you find ways to build and nurture your culture during these times? 

How Blueboard can help

Blueboard strengthens company culture in many ways. Our employee gifts create exciting moments that coworkers share and celebrate with one another, they give companies an opportunity to recognize the above and beyond contributions of their employees; and they demonstrate your leadership’s investment in their people. All of these moments of employee appreciation and recognition have the power to build a more positive company culture, one that can survive the strange, unique, and challenging conditions that we’re currently living in.

Increased feelings of appreciation 

98% of Blueboard recipients feel genuinely appreciated.

Appreciation is one of the most effective tools you can use to strengthen employee engagement. When managers recognize the contributions of employees, their engagement increases by 60%. And it’s not hard to do. Whether it’s a simple but genuine ‘thank you’ over Slack, a sweet surprise mailed to their home to enjoy, a much-needed personal day off, or a Blueboard experiential reward (maybe one of our In-home Experiences), employee recognition is low-hanging fruit that yields tremendous results with minimal administrative effort.

How Blueboard can help

One of the best parts about experiential rewards is the longevity they offer. When you recognize employees during these challenging times, those positive emotions felt during an experience or activity with their loved ones create afterglow - strong memories that stay with them long after the pandemic has passed. Your employees will always remember how you made them feel (appreciated, connected, making an impact) during this challenging time in their lives. 

We hope you’re staying well and connected during this time. Take good care, and If you’d like to walk through our experiential rewards menu and connect with a member of our Sales team, simply reach out for more information and a personalized demo online here.

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