How are you feeling? No, how are you really feeling? If you're like 54% of US workers, the answer is that you are feeling overworked. And 39% of us are feeling straight-up exhausted. The productivity gains we've received through remote and hybrid work may be benefiting the bottom line, but the downside is that they're masking a workforce on the verge of burnout.
Blueboard experiences are designed to rejuvenate, reconnect and inspire. Imagine offering your employees their choice of a kayaking trip for two, a pottery class, a month at their favorite yoga studio, or a VIP museum experience with the family. With Blueboard wellbeing gifts, employees are empowered to celebrate with experiences that challenge their comfort zone, introduce them to a new hobby, or that offer connection and quality time with their loved ones. At the end of the day, we're all craving adventure, and with our global menu of hand-curated experiences, there's truly something for everyone.
ImmunoGen, a clinical-stage biotechnology company, partnered with Blueboard to create an employee wellbeing program with concepts from The Energy Project, a training company that helps people manage their energy across four quadrants: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The end result of this collaboration was a program called Energy Renewal by Blueboard. Each quarter, ImmunoGen sends every employee an Energy Renewal opportunity (a Blueboard Ivory reward) and encourages them to choose a Blueboard experience that helps them invest in that quarter’s featured energy quadrant (for example, Q1 was dedicated to mental energy).
*ImmunoGen post-experience employee feedback survey results, updated 2021.
“The Energy Renewal by Blueboard program is a hit. It inherently leans into work-life balance and has the added bonus of connecting employees through shared experiences. Our folks are already talking about it among themselves, and, as they complete their energy renewals, I’m excited to see the feedback and photos they post about Blueboard’s experiential rewards.”
A list of our top 16 favorite experiences for wellness gift ideas from the Blueboard menu that encourage wellness at work.
We’re proud to be recognized for our wellness efforts to make our business and community a healthier place to live and work.
Watch our webinar recap and learn what a modern-day employee wellbeing program looks like.
Connect with our team for a personalized demo of our recognition and rewards platform and see our hand-curated experience menus.
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