
Employee Rewards

Meaningful rewards for every kind of employee

What comes to mind when you hear the word “experience”?

Maybe you’re picturing the view from the top of the Eiffel Tour, or the look on your kid’s face seeing the ocean for the first time.

Maybe you’re remembering the taste of that extraordinary cup of coffee you had this morning, or the rush of cliff jumping with friends last year.

Maybe you’re reminiscing on the couple’s cooking class you did with your partner, or the spa day that allowed you to disconnect and just breathe.

A meaningful experience looks a little different for everyone.

That’s why, at Blueboard, we’re focused on offering tons of different types of experiences as meaningful employee rewards. In fact, we have dedicated teams working to source experiences that speak to a diverse range of interests, needs, and personality types. So no matter who your employees are or what’s happening in their world, they can find an experience that makes ‘em go… “wow.”  

Of course, a lot of prospective Blueboard clients want to understand whether we have experiential rewards that will be the right fit for their employees: from working parents, to introverted personality types, to workers with different abilities. So in this post, we explore a variety of Blueboard experiences and use cases to help you envision the possibilities for your unique employees and organization.

Different types of people, different types of meaningful experiences.

Note: We recognize that every human is unique and won’t fall neatly into one category or another. The following buckets are intended to help you identify experiences that you believe your employees would be most likely to enjoy.

Experiential rewards for working parents. 

We’ve heard from many of our clients that their employees want more time and space to connect with their loved ones, particularly post-Covid 19. For working parents, this often means having family-friendly experiences that allow everyone—kids and adults alike—to enjoy themselves.

Experiential rewards can provide a much-needed reprieve for working parents, who reported increased mental health issues and challenges with child care responsibilities during the pandemic. These folks may not have the space (or energy) to plan and have meaningful experiences with their family.

Fortunately, part of what your employees get when they get a Blueboard reward is access to our dedicated Concierge team. They take care of every step of the experience—from planning to execution—so that your employee can sit back, relax, and anticipate.

Here are a few examples of our family-friendly experiences*: 

1. Family membership to a local museum or aquarium

2. Behind-the-scenes tour of a local zoo 

3. Parent-child bonding activity, such as a woodworking project or a spa day

4. Family ziplining adventure

5. All-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland

*Note: The experiences your employees can access will depend on their reward level. Connect with our team to learn more.

What parents who earn Blueboard experiences are saying:

Alicia S. says, "I took my two-year-old daughter to Disneyland for the first time and she had so much fun! She got to meet two of her favorite people—Mickey and Minnie Mouse!"

A child meeting Mickey Mouse with their parent's Blueboard reward.
Blueboard experience: Family fun at Disney.

Taron F. says, “My son seeing the giraffes walk out in a herd brought joy to his eyes and spirit that I’ve never seen.”

A family enjoying their Blueboard zoo experiential reward.
Blueboard experience: A day at the zoo.

Experiential rewards for more introverted folks. 

For many folks, spending all day at work (or on zoom) with others can be exhausting. While everyone eventually gets tired from socializing, introverts tend to get drained more quickly. As psychology professor Colin DeYoung explains it: 

“Introverts are often drained by socializing, but that’s partly because the effort required may not seem worth it because the rewards from socializing seem less to them. Extroverts get drained by socializing too, but they are more motivated to engage in it, and it probably takes more socializing before they start to feel drained.”

And this may affect more of your workforce than you think. In fact, studies show that 50.7% of Americans identify as introverts. It’s essential for people with this trait to indulge in restful activities that fill their cup and help them recharge. 

That’s why we offer a wide range of experiences that every employee—from your engineers to your managers—can enjoy by themselves.

Here are a few examples of our experiences that might appeal to more introverted employees: 

6. Personal spa day

7. Solo glamping trip 

8. Staycation at a local hotel 

9. At-home wine tasting experience

10. Donation to a charity of choice

What folks looking for something more quiet say about their Blueboard experiences:

David C. says, "This was a super relaxing experience" about their solo glamping trip in Joshua Tree.

A tent set up for a solo glamping Blueboard experience in Joshua Tree.
Blueboard experience: Glamping for 1 in Joshua Tree

When giving feedback about their at-home barista experience, Lilit B. shared, "Unpacking the espresso machine and learning to make that first latte, I was so thrilled! The taste was incredible. I have [another] machine, and this latte was leagues beyond in flavor. The best memory was serving lattes to my family for the first time. I love to have a new fancy skill that can make my guests light up in delight. Thank you!"

Espresso machine via the Blueboard home barista experience.
Blueboard experience: At-home barista.

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Experiential rewards for adrenaline seekers.

Some of your employees may be thrill seekers—people who enjoy stimulating experiences, whether that’s trying unusual foods or participating in adventure sports.

Experts find that, while most of us produce high levels of cortisol in over stimulating situations, high-sensation seekers produce more dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure. In other words, adrenaline seekers actually enjoy experiences that others might view as chaotic, overstimulating, or scary.

So if you have employees who are looking for their next adrenaline-pumping adventure, we have a wide selection of rewards for them to choose from.

Here are a few examples of our experiences for thrill seekers:

11. Skydiving excursion

12. Airplane flying lessons

13. Escape room with a group of friends

14. Parasailing adventure on the water

15. Parkour ninja lessons

What people looking for a thrill say about their Blueboard experiences:

Eunice A. says, “[This was] my first time experiencing paragliding. I challenged my comfort zones and experienced something new.”

Two people paragliding courtesy of Blueboard.
Blueboard experience: Paragliding for two.

For Gray W., their trip to the race track was quite the experience: “Driving 144 MPH on a race track [was] absolutely exhilarating!”

Social post of an employee enjoying their Blueboard racing reward.
Blueboard experience: Go racing.

Experiential rewards for lovers of the outdoors.

Think about the last time you were out in nature. Maybe you were on a solo cabin outing in the middle of the woods or on a camping trip with your closest friends. How did you feel? 

Whether we’re in the mountains or on the water, nature has a tendency to instill feelings of calm and contentment in us. Studies support what we already anecdotally know: that spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being.

That’s why we continue to curate experiences that allow people to get outdoors and reap the benefits of being in nature.

Here are a few examples of our experiences for nature lovers: 

11. Weekend trip to Yosemite National Park

12. Guided hiking experience

13. Scuba certification class

14. Introduction to bouldering, surfing, or river rafting

What people who venture outdoors say about their Blueboard experiences:

Adalys A. had this to say about their kayaking experience: “The views of the wildlife and sunset as we kayaked were gorgeous.”

Couple kayaking with their Blueboard employee reward.
Blueboard experience: Kayaking!

And Bethany H. exlaimed, "The scenery was epic!" about their trip to Jackson Hole.

An employee enjoying Jackson Hole with their Blueboard reward.
Blueboard experience: Escape to Jackson Hole.

Experiential rewards for folks who love to learn. 

A recent LinkedIn report found that having opportunities to learn and grow is the number one factor that people say defines an exceptional work environment.

But this learning shouldn’t be relegated to within the walls of the office. Experiential rewards are another way you can give your employees a chance to build their skills, stretch their minds, and pick up new hobbies. 

Here are a few examples of our experiences for growth-oriented employees: 

15. Photography classes

16. Pottery sessions

17. Foreign language course

18. Golf lessons

19. Introduction to blacksmithing 

What we’ve heard from employees keen to learn about their Blueboard experiences:

“I’ve wanted to play the drums since I was a young lad and never took the time or money to give it a go. I’ve not got a beginner kit setup next to my desk and get to pretend I’m a rock star every evening for 10 minutes between putting my kids down to bed and having to clean up the kitchen.” – Samuel M.

Kat W. chose an at-home crafting experience as their employee reward and shared, "[I] loved having some dedicated time to be creative and CALM!"

Tile mosaic as the result of a Blueboard arts and crafts experience.
Blueboard experience: At-home arts and crafts.

Experiential rewards for people who frikin’ love food. 

Alotta people enjoy food, but some people love it. From exploring and savoring new flavors, to breaking bread together, to preparing and presenting a meal for loved ones—food is one of the most powerful ways people bond with one another.

So, of course, we have several rewards that revolve around enjoying culinary experiences—whether that’s by learning how to craft the perfect cocktail or dining at a Michelin Star restaurant.

Here are a few examples of our experiences for foodies:

20. Local foodie tour

21. Farm-to-table cooking class

22. Fine dining experience

23. Craft beer tour

24. Private chef sessions

What we’ve heard about our experiences for foodies:

Miyako U says, "We were greeted by the host who already knew about the arrangement with Blueboard and took us to the corner table which is the best table in the house. The whole experience was an incredible and memorable one. This is my first time [being] rewarded at work with an experience and not by monetary reward. It is an excellent concept to show gratitude to employees of their hard work."

Leah G. shares about their couples cooking class experience: "The other guests never showed up to the class, so we got a private lesson!"

A couple with their finished meal after their Blueboard cooking class reward.
Blueboard experience: Cooking class for two.

A note on experiences for employees with different accessibility needs. 

Blueboard experiential rewards are designed to help employees get up and out and into the world. Unfortunately, much of our world isn’t designed for folks with diverse abilities and accessibility needs.

For people with accessibility needs, having an experience often requires a lot more intention, planning, and care. That’s where Blueboard’s in-house Concierge team can make a huge impact. This team works closely with each awarded employee to create a personalized experience that’s meaningful to them.

When one of our Concierge team connected with a Blueboard reward recipient who is on the autism spectrum, for example, she quickly pivoted to communicate on their terms and was with them every step of the way to make sure they had an ideal experience. Per the recipient's request, they communicated via Zoom versus on the phone. And when the recipient cc'ed in their support team, our Concierge made sure to keep that same group in the loop for all communications throughout the process. In the end, the recipient shared that they loved their Blueboard experience — and they still keep in touch with our Concierge!

If you have questions about what accessible experiences might look like for your employees, connect with our team here.

We believe in meaningful experiences for every person and every context.

While it sounds a little cliché to say we have something for everyone, that’s really what we strive for at Blueboard. Whether you’ve got adventure seeking employees, employees juggling parental responsibilities, introverted employees—and, of course, employees who are all of those things or none of those things—our goal is to help you make them feel appreciated for all they do for your organization. 

Want to learn more about Blueboard’s experiential reward offerings? Request a demo to connect with our team. We’d love to learn about your people and how we can partner to offer them the most impactful recognition.

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